The Criterion Championship is unique in AFK in that there are no pinfalls,
And why would you do this? Because three successful defenses of the Criterion Wrestler Date Won Reign
submissions or even knockouts to win you the match. You can certainly go for
them, and are encouraged to do so, as in a Criterion match the match will go
for 20 minutes. No more, no less. At the end of the match, three Judges will
rate what happened in the ring in those 20 minutes and decide a winner. Can
you last those 20 minutes in the ring, and in that time can you do enough to
impress the Judges?
Championship will net you an automatic World Championship title shot. While you
can only do this once a year, an automatic World Championship title shot is an
World Championship title shot. So get to fighting, and get the Judges on your side.
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Minneapolis, MN0
0?-0?-2021, Episode 00?